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Karegeya étranglé par  les agents de Kagame.


Salut à tous les Mbokatiers,

Je viens de recevoir une info sur l’opposant rwandais à Paul Kagamé

: KAREGEYA étranglé par les

agents de KAGAME en Afrique du Sud, suivi d’une interview (en anglais) de la victime Je veux partager avec tous nos compatriotes du pays et de la diaspora et des rwandais de partout dans le monde. Après avoir lu les deux documents, on comprend pourquoi il est difficile que la paix revienne à l’est de la RDC.

Bonne lecture


Jessy D



July 2013





Patrick Karegeya: "We know where the missiles were Patrick Kegeya when he still wore the

uniform of the Rwandan army. Former chief of foreign intelligence Rwanda, Patrick Karegeya

fled the country in 2007 and now lives in exile in South Africa. As General Faustin Kayumba 

Nyamwasa, he accused Kagame of being responsible for the attack in April 1994 killed

Juvenal Kabyarimana. Both are willing to meet the French judge in charge of the

investigation, Marc Trévidic. It is very long. We were at school together. There should be two

classes above me. So it's been over thirty years. And you worked together in the Ugandan

army. Yes, we worked in the same department, the military intelligence. When did you decide

to take up arms? I think it all started in 1987. Fred Rwigyema was still alive and there were

other officers older than us. They organized meetings, decided who among the officers should

attend. So yes, we participate in meetings, and then we returned to the field to see what was

happening. And we made them our report. 


When President Kagame did take control of operations? And why him? 


Why him? Because all those above him are dead. So it's rightful order. When it started, it was

not there. But when he came back, Fred is dead and the other too, so it was he who took

command because he was top of the list. We all thought it was desirableto take the lead in

and that's what he did. 


So there was no dispute at the time? 


No, no. It would be difficult for the military to challenge such a decision, it's not like politics.

And do not forget that we were at war; there was no place for political or democratic

considerations. And it's not as if he took the lead. There was the RPF and the Rwandan

Patriotic Army. He took control of the APR and the rest later. But that it happened gradually,

over the years, during the rebellion. Then they took power. And it was not until 1998 that he

took the head of the RPF. He managed to get rid of everyone and even his boss at the time,

Bizimungu, who was president. And we must all plead guilty because it happened before our

eyes. But as there was a war, no one had the courage to say anything or to convene a meeting

for that. So almost all civilianswere ejected from the movement.It became a military

institution that has retained the RPF name. 


But we always felt that he was in charge of everything; even at the time was President Pasteur

Bizimungu. Is that all that was not decorum? 


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No, not exactly. He was the head of the army and everything depended on the army.

Obviously, all those who came with a politicalproblem, they were charged with first

jeopardize the war effort, and not to be sufficiently patriotic. And very few people finally had

the courage to say "there is military action, and there is politics." So it really took control of

everything and no one dares to say anythingor even dares to contradict what he said. He

became the strong man as they say. 


Why do not you challenge these decisions? Is that you did not consider that it was best to do

this job? 


Best or not, it was already in place. So we would just try to fix things, to convince them not to

do some of the terrible things he had in mind. That's why we did some collateral damage. We

tried to tell him it was not good, it was not the right way to do things. But because he had all

the power, he began to see all the reviews or even just suggestions as a challenge to personal

cause. It became obvious that at one time, there was no difference between him and the state. 

As you say in France: "The state is me." And now that he has all the powers, it behaves as an

absolute monarch. And no one can challenge its decisions. 


Now you accuse Kagame of being behind the attack againstthe plane of Juvenal

Habyarimana. Do you have any evidence of his involvement? 


If we did not, we would not say that. Obviously, we do. We do not speculate. We are not like

those who try to investigate, who say that the missile had Kanombe (note: FAR military camp,

the Rwandan army at the time). We know where the missiles were fired, which was sent, who 

fired. We do not speculate. We're talking about something that we know. 


But why do not you go public? Why keep it to yourself? 


We do not keep to ourselves. There was no investigation worthy of the name. We do not want

to deliver all the media. Rememberthat all this will have consequences for people. People

who have lost their lives had a family, friends. If I tell you, of course, you publish and it will

not help the victims. So we always said it was to be part of a criminal investigation, we can

say in that context that we know. 


The judge Trévidic you were never contacted? 


No, the judges never came to us. If they do, we tell you what we know. But you can not force

their hand. If they want to hear us, they will come. And do not forget that these are French and

that victims are Rwandan. So we also think it would be better if Rwandans also did the work

... But that, of course, it can only be done after the departure of Kagame. We do not expect

there to be a Rwandan judicial inquiry at the moment. The French have taken the liberty to do

so, but none of them came to see us. 


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Are you involved in this attack? 


No, but that does not mean I do not know what happened. 

And you do not occupy a position that allowed you to prevent this attack? 


No, I do would not be opposed to it. He decided. And I could never say do not do it. He was

sure of his decision. But know that, yes, we know. 


But why take this plane down? 


He believes that all opponents must die ... And at that time, because it was Habyarimana was a

way to take power. Habyarimana had signed a power-sharing agreement, even if trying to save

time; it was not a reason to kill him. We must follow the processand make sure it goes

through. Many people said he was trying to save time; I'm not trying to defend him. But even

if he made mistakes, he did not deserve to die. 


You were head of foreign intelligence for ten years and, in 2004, you were relievedof your

duties. Can you explain why? 


This is the result of a series of disagreements with President Kagame on his reading of the

country in terms of governance, human rights, also about the situation in Congo ... It lasted

long enough. At one point, I realized that was not going anywhere. I asked him to let me make

my life, he refused. Three years later, he ended up throwing me in jail. Not once, but twice. So

it came to political disagreements, nothing personal. 


Nothing personal? But you were friends... 


Of course we were friends, but I was part of the government. I was not there to praise. As

intelligence chief, I think what I could do best was to tell him the truth, that truth is bitter or

not. But the fact that it cannot accept it and he retainsagainst me, I think that what is

happening today gives me reason. 


What horrible truths you tell him, for example? 


The usual, I told her what we were doing was not right in terms of justice,democracy,

freedom of the press. There was the second Congo war. We talked about it all and we never

fell agree. But because it did not take place in public, no one realized that there was a kind of 

cold war between him and me. 


So there have been years of strife within the RPF? 


Yes, but that was going on between the military. Civilians knew nothing. And it was not just

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me. Others also were upset. Some have paid the price. Others decided to remain silent forever.

It is a matter of choice.If you speak publicly, they hung up high and short. Some are dead,

others were imprisoned, others as we met in exile. And it will continue as long as it remains

on the line. 


You say you are opposed to the second Congo war. So you were favorable to the first? 


Yes, definitely. There were perfectly legitimate reasons to carry it out. Because of what is

happening on the other side of the border,in camps, reorganization (note: the ex-FAR,

Interahamwe), or we solve the problem,or they would take care of us. This one was

legitimate. Mobutu supported. Regarding the second war, it was enough for us to speak, we do

not necessarily needed to fight. And as you can see, we did not get any results. We're still at

the same point. RCD, CNDP, M23. There will probablyalso an M27 ... It does not help the

Congo. It does not help Rwanda. It brings only suffering in the region. 


Bosco Ntaganda, who was a leader of the CNDP is before the International Criminal Court.

Do you testify in court? 


Ido not know why I should. But if the court believes it can learn something from me, I will

cooperate with it. But I think that the ICC does not considerthe right person.It should

prosecute Kagame and not Ntaganda. Becauseit was he who chose to Rwanda and sent in

eastern Congo. So why deal with the symptoms and not the disease 


So you are saying that Bosco Ntaganda is not Congolese and Rwandan? 


Yes, of course he is Rwandan. He was in the Rwandan army, he was chosen envoy to Lubanga

and was stocked with weapons. So when it causes all these problems, the culprit, it should not

be Ntaganda, but Kagame.Ntaganda has just been deployed.So these events are the

responsibility of the commander. 


What corps was he after? Where was it based? 


It's not as if we had several. It was the Rwandan defenseforces. He was sergeant. Most of

those who led the rebellion came from Rwanda anyway. Ntagandais not a special case.

Nkunda, Ntaganda, they were trained in Rwanda, but do not fight it. That is why I say they do

not deal with good people. They were made, that's all 


Bosco Ntaganda fled Rwanda and sought refuge at the embassy of the United States. Is what

it was with the help of the Rwandan government? 


No, he wanted to save his skin. If he went to the Rwandan government, it would have been a

different story. I do not think they would have surrendered to the International Criminal Court. 


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Why did you flee the country in 2007? 


Ihad already tested the prison twice. And I was held in solitary confinement. Twice in two

years. When I came out, I was broughtto the Department of Defense,I was assaulted by

officers, or some are in prison today, others have problems. Anyway, the important fact is that 

they told me that Kagame would take care of me forever. It still worried about it some. They

told me that if I wanted to life, I had to leave. I had no reason to doubt. So I left. And in fact, it

was true. Is that it has tried to do here. That's why they shot my colleague(note: General

Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa). I was lucky to get out without any scratch. 


- end - 


Rwanda : KAREGEYA étranglé par les agents de KAGAME en Afrique du Sud
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imagePatrick Karegeya


Le corps sans vie de Patrick Karegeya, ancien chef des services de renseignement extérieur du Rwanda et opposant au président Paul Kagamé, a été retrouvé mort, jeudi 2 janvier, dans un hôtel de Johannesburg, en Afrique du Sud, où il était en exil. Il a été étranglé par les agents de Paul Kagamé.

Le Congrès national du Rwanda (RNC, opposition) a annoncé jeudi, la mort à Johannesburg de Patrick Karegeya, l'ancien chef des services de renseignement extérieur du Rwanda devenu opposant au président Paul Kagamé. Le parti dénonce un assassinat politique.

Le corps sans vie de Patrick Karegeya, ancien chef des services de renseignement extérieur du Rwanda et opposant au président Paul Kagamé, a été retrouvé mort, jeudi 2 janvier, dans un hôtel de Johannesburg, en Afrique du Sud, où il était en exil.

"Il s'y était rendu pour un meeting", a annoncé son parti, le Congrès national du Rwanda (RNC) qui juge que Patrick Karegeya "a été étranglé par les agents de Paul Kagamé".

Longtemps proche du président Paul Kagamé, Karegeya était peu à peu entré en opposition et avait fui le Rwanda pour l'Afrique du Sud en 2007.

Un autre dissident rwandais en exil en Afrique du Sud, Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, a subi deux tentatives d'assassinat en juin 2010. Sur RFI, ce dernier a dénoncé un assassinat politique : "Il ne fait aucun doute pour moi que le gouvernement du Rwanda est responsable de tout cela. C'est un assassinat politique, comme le gouvernement du Rwanda en a toujours menés. C'est la politique du gouvernement du Rwanda de tuer ses opposants."

Pour l'heure, les autorités rwandaises n'ont pas encore réagi.

A qui profite l’assassinat ?

Cette mort subite est interprétée de diverses manières dans des salons politiques. D’aucuns veulent y voir la main invisible du régime de Kigali. Ceci du fait que des rumeurs persistantes imputaient aux deux opposants de collaborer déjà avec les FDLR sous la protection de la Tanzanie avec objectif de déboucher sur une révolution ( rébellion ) rwandaise pouvant avoir des revendications politiques visant le départ de Paul Kagame du pouvoir. L’on peut alors comprendre pourquoi Kigali et Dar-es-Salam ont des démêlées ces derniers temps. 

En ce moment où la communauté internationale voudrait organiser un sommet régional pour débattre des questions relatives aux mouvements d’opposition rwandais et ougandais, cet élimination de Patrick Karegeya ne peut que contenter Kigali qui voit ainsi diminuer le nombre de ses opposants avant que ne lui soit imposé des négociations par cette fameuse communauté internationale. 

D’autre part l’on considère que cet ancien officier supérieur de l’armée rwandaise aurait eu des ennuis avec des sujets avec lesquels il était impliqué dans un business. Les pistes restent donc ouvertes. 

(Avec AFP)

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<br /> Mbuta muntu sans foi na 1961 N Mandela abimaka na ndenge ya kobombana mpe akendaka Ethiopie, Algerie mpe akomaka tii na Londres, akendaka koyekola mpe kozua experience ya ba revolutions misusu na<br /> Afrika na sima malgré ye azalaki l'homme le plus recherché ya Afrika Ngele azongaka mpe akomaka kobombana tii tango bakangaka ye na Natal. Raison ye apesaka ya kozonga alobaka ezali important ba<br /> peuple bayeba mpe bamona ba leaders na bango e te bazali na bango mpe bazali prêt ya kokufa mpe kokangama lokola bango. Yango nalobaka ezali hypocrisy mpe lâcheté mpo na batu bavandi na miguel na<br /> mabota na bango en sécurité babengaka ba oyo batikali na mboka ba lâche mpe basengaka na bango ba sopa makila. Tolanda example ya Mandela mpe tondima boloko mpe liwa na kozonga na mboka mpe ko<br /> lead ba peuple oyo. Oyo tozali kosenga peuple asala biso moko mpe tozala prêt ya kosala yango.<br /> <br /> <br /> Mbuta muntu Serge ngai nazali Rwandais te, mpe nazali sympathisant ya Kagame te, nazali mpe xénophobe te, nalandaka radio trottoir te mpe You tube ezali bible na ngai te. Nalandaka ba news ya ba<br /> mboka ekesena mpe na comparaka ba infos, landa Russia tv, Iran Press tv, Eljazeera mpe na ba Sky, BBC, CNN etc...mpe na tangaka mua moke, yango wana mpo na ngai ba tuba tuba ya ba milieux neKongo<br /> na landaka yango mingi te. Soki oluki oyeba structure mpe organisation ya CPI nde okomona ndenge nini bazuaka ba cas mpe ndenge nini balandekaka bato, ebongi te tozua incompétence mpe manque ya<br /> ba éthiques ya bakambi ya Afrika mpe Kongo to tiya yango na moto ya CPI. Biso ba neKongo totika makambo ya koluka ba bouc émissaires, tozua responsabilité ya ba mbemba mpe mikakatano ya ekolo na<br /> biso. <br /> <br /> <br /> Po na kosukisa mbuta muntu tii na tango police akokanga moto to bato na liwa wana to mpe tii tango bakobimisa ba suspects, nioso tozali koloba ezali kaka ba spéculations. <br /> <br /> <br /> Mwan'a Joburg.<br />
<br /> @ ndeko Marcellin Muana Jo'burg,<br /> <br /> <br /> Kolandana na ndenge na yo ya kokanisa pe ya komonela makambo, kati ya bato oyo mibale Paul Kagame na<br /> Huru Kenyata nani penza asengeli kokende kosamba na CPI?<br /> <br /> <br /> Nkunda..., Ntaganda, Mutebusi, Makenga, Kanambe bango tout bazali bana ya misala ya Kagame, yo okanisi<br /> ONU oyo General  De Gaulle abengaki "c'est machin" ayebi yango te? Rapport Mapping otanga yango te? Ba petitions kili<br /> kili to signa pona komema Kagame oyo ba rwandais ba bengaka Kagoma "to mutu ya lokuta" ye ONU amona yango te? Yo olingi koloba ke oyebi esaleli ya Kagame koleka General Faustin<br /> Kayumba? Kagame asali même technique Mossad asalaki na hôtel ya Dubai tango abomaki mokambi<br /> ya ba palestiniens, tala yango sur youtube "Meurtre à Dubai" il n'y a rien à discuter. Nasala constat ozalaka na bolingo mingi ya Rwanda pe ba rwandais, yo moko oyebi pona nini. Likambo ya na<br /> Rwandais to toucher te mais solo ekotikala be solo. N'arabe balobaka: "Innal batuila kana zahuka" "lokuta esalema pona kolonga te." Wapi ndeko Apollo Kirereresi oyo azuaki<br /> rendez-vous na Karegeya? Wapi ba 3 téléphones na ye, tina ya corde na serviette ezalaki na makila na tiroir ya chambre eza nini? Bongo 2 attentats contre Kayumba olobi nini pona yango? Est ce que<br /> oyebi ke ezalaki John Terry US na William Hague UK batu bakebisaki Kagame na victoire ya Col Mamadou Moustapha Ndala? Soki bango bayebi ke ye mutu aza na origine ya 8 millions de morts Congolais<br /> et combien de fois la fameuse CPI, loisir. Mutu akufi, yo obengi yango spéculations, quelle réflexion!!!.  <br /> <br /> <br /> Boboto o mboka mosika.<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> Serge - Kongo na biso.<br />
<br /> Ndeko Sans foi pe na ba ndeko banso ya mboka mosika,<br /> <br /> <br /> Mutu na mutu na musala na ye, bato banso te bakolata zakomba po bakoma ba mbolo mbolo na mokili, koluka<br /> kosala mosala oyo ezali ya yo te ezali koluka kufa. Tala mbeba pasteur Mukungubila awuti kosala, boni boni akotinda bana na télévision  oyo ezali symbole monene ya pouvoir ya mboka kaka<br /> maboko pamba, manduki te, makuangola te, mangenda te kaka be wenze wenze alors ke pouvoir rwandais eye ezuami na mboka RD Congo ezali na mawa ata moke te na bana ya somi ya mboka. Mosala ya<br /> manduki eselemaka na baye ba yekola yango, epesameli na mutu nionso te kaka pona abengami mobali, esengeli balakisa yo yango, esengeli tobanda ko former ba troupes na libanda ya mboka po to<br /> sikola ekolo. Toyebaka kosala bokeseni ya courage na témérité, oyo pasteur atindaki ba ndeko basala ezalaki courage te kasi témérité, ezalaki kufa, ye akanisaki nini? Ezali<br /> kosala pasi komona makambu ndenge ezali koleka na mboka kasi esengeli kokende ngulu ngulu te, tomi bomgisa liboso ya ko banda solo etumba, tobelela na baye bayebi musala ya manduki nde balakisa<br /> na bana ya mboka boni boni kosala yango. Toile to internet n'a rien avoir na bitumba ya manduki, ezali pona kopanza sango, même na etumba sur le terrain soki communication ezali te bokoki kolonga<br /> etumba te. Totika ko condamner internet po soki yango ezalaki te mbele pe totangi makomi ma yo te. na ba mbula eleki nasalaki cour ya sécurité, liteya bapesaki nga ezalaki "Ekoleka malamu<br /> soki nkokoso ezali yo mutu ya sécurité otikala na bomoyi ke okutama ebembe bongo po babenga yo héros." Ba soldats balobaka: "Mieux vaut une tête dans un corps qu'un corps sans<br /> tête soki na bungi te."<br /> <br /> <br /> On dit: A chacun son métier.<br /> <br /> <br /> Boboto o mboka mosika<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> Serge - kongo na biso<br />
<br /> Ezali lukula tata aza kuluba na bana bukende na classe, bungu bana bazali kuluba na tata yo lakisa nanu ya yo diplome.<br />
<br /> Il n´y a que les peureux de la trempe de ces gens là qui peuvent parler de la sorte, aujourd´hui au Burkina-Faso le nombre sans cesse croissant des congolais inquiète les autorités de ce pays,<br /> comme disent nos frères Burkinabès : ici il n´y a rien, pour toute richesse Dieu ne nous a donné que du SOLEIL. Un congolais qui habiterait l´Afrique du Sud et avoir un tel raisonnement, NAYEBI<br /> TE, soki ba Mandela bazalaki na raisonnement oyo wana mbele BOZALI KUNA NA AFRIQUE DU SUD lelo oyo boye te. Ca ne sert même à rien de continuer...<br />
<br /> Mbuta muntu Serge mpo na CPI atelemela likambo esengi nde ekolo membre emema likambo kuna to pe conseil ya sécurité ya UN etinda likambo kuna, complot international contre Kongo ezalaka te kasi<br /> kaka kibozoba ya bakambi na biso. Mpo na mbuta muntu oyo asengi likambo ya makila, ekozala malamu mingi soki akopesa biso ndakisa, pesa makila na yo mpo na ekolo mpe ba peuple bakolanda ndakisa.<br /> Mpo na ye Rwandais oyo akufi enquête nanu esili te, nioso tozali koloba ezali kaka ba spéculation. <br /> <br /> <br /> Mwan'a Joburg<br />
<br /> L´heure n´est plus aux réactions, mais à l´action, depuis qu´on a commencé à vociférer quel résultat avions-nous obtenu. On peut tout dire sur le pasteur Mukungubila, mais l´essentiel à retenir<br /> est que ce frère est de la famille de LDK même si son aveu est tardif, la confirmation est là plus de doute possible. Au Congo est-ce que vous êtes des hommes ou des femmes, à vous de répondre,<br /> vous avez peur de la mort, mais elle vous est distribuée comme des petits pains à tout moment, Ekufaka MIBALI etikala MIBALI, A tous les marchands d´idées au net, la récréation est finie, Au<br /> boulot mes chers FAZ et autres. Cessons de pleurer nos Kimbangu, Lumumba et tous les Bana Mboka, Likambo ya Mabele ezali Likambo ya Makila.<br />
<br /> Mbote,<br /> <br /> <br /> Karegeya azalaki mosantu te kasi azalaki quand même na conscience, azalaki moninga ya Kagamé alias Kingo<br /> fioti pendant 30 ans po batangaki ba kelasi esika moko na Ouganda pe ayebaki ba secret mingi ya Paul Kagamé na lingomba na ye. Ba secret ya régime ya Kagamé ezalaki lokola boite noire, bien<br /> fermée, hermétiquement mais tango Karegeya oyo azalaki chargé na service secret extérieur ya Rwanda akotaki na exile na Afrique du Sud nde ba secrets ya Kagamé ekomaki kobima libanda, yango<br /> abomisi ye. Karegeya na Kayumba balobaki ke baza prêt ya koloba vérité na liwa ya  Habyarimana pe invasion ya RDC par le Rwanda mais CPI asali lokola kutu ayokaki mbela wana te voila la<br /> complicité de la communauté internationale na malheur na biso na Afrique centrale. Bazui pe bamemi 3 telephone mobile na ye na ba numeros ya batu oyo bazalaki na contacte na ye, Kagamé ako purger<br /> batu batu ya réseau na ye. Bref ezali likambo ya mbwa asui mbwa.Boboto o mboka mosika. Kagamé alias Kingo fioti aza être humain moko oyo aza "sans état d'âme".<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> Serge - Kongo na biso  <br />